It’s a world of blues out there
I wouldn’t say fifty shades of grey
Unless you want to
Shift in and out
Of a half truth and full lie,
Of a spectrum of nothing and everything.
I say the world is blue because it is,
Of subtle hints and shifting waters
Of dappled purples and straightforward mauves.
In a clear blue sky, you see purpose
As you see a web of complications
In a sea of soft teal and cornflower.
Solid and liquid, blue is time
Blue is the wide-eyed gaze of a newborn,
Blue is the weary stare clouded with cataracts.
Blue is both knowledge and oblivion,
As close to black as it can get
When you try to see past the stars.
Cold and warm, a myriad of shades
That rival the fifty of grey
That you like to believe in so much.
I say your life is blue because it IS
It means the quiet rhythm
Of the songs that narrate your soul
It means the depths of grief and failure
It means the soaring pinnacle of success
When you don that graduation cap.
Say what you like, every colour is blue’s best friend
Which is why - I say - when you’re ready
To share a piece of luck, love and life
You say this
‘Something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue…’