It's different.

Friday, 26 June 2015

Bathtub Musings (Without The Scented Candles)

art by Paula Mihele on Etsy

I lay in the tub
I was just bathing
To the outsider it might have seemed
A scene fresh out of a horror flick
They said, 'No, it's not a trick
Look at her, pale and trembling
Arms splayed, fractured bones of a broken wing
Look at her sitting so still, wide-eyed
She's a form that can never abide
By time, by place, by reality, by universe
She's too much for us, she might coerce
Us, to sit there drowning with her for company
Let us thus abandon her, she is one, we are many
She cannot pull us down with her!'

I was just bathing
My chest was covered by the water
You couldn't see me naked
Maybe just the sticky strings, all vividly red
I was bathing and bleeding, you see
Because every word outside cut me
What had I done wrong? Was it
Really that awful to simply sit
And let them see me as I was?
Every person that tried
To lift me out, to stretch me wide
To fit with them, in them
Failed. And then lied in tandem
To the world that I was unfit.
Then some tried to sit
With me and clean me
And pull me into them, to see
If I would fold and lean
Forever into them, forever unseen.
They failed too, and lied in tandem
That I was unworthy of them.

All I wanted to do was bathe
And rise. And do everything
That I was supposed to have done
If they hadn't pounced and cut me
I wouldn't have bled and stared
And they couldn't have called me a ghost
I was in terror more than being a terror.
You see, I hadn't ever expected this, so
Maybe they were right after all.