Cut my arm, let me bleed
Let the scarlet river flow
Paint the town red, more crimson
I feel the rush- I am mad.
Explode, ah, explode!
Let the fire burn, fill me up
The flames lick the edge of my
They crackle, and the four walls
become mere dust.
I am free!
It’s Pandora, the world is paradise.
I see the lines of life gleaming
In skobeloff and pale carmine, cyan
and Mikado-yellow.
The silver-shot amethyst sky
Bathes me with its soft glow
Gypsy fey peep from the tree hollows
I laugh; the few wisps of restraint
We dance wildly in that wonderland
Circle going on circle, music flowing
like water
My head snaps back, I breathe in
Glorious beauty, I am filled with
What’s this?!?
I gasp; I emerge
The easel stands proudly
The brushes droop, tired out
My head sags in defeat
What of the filled canvas?
It is but a swift reflection,
A mere ripple in the mighty sea
For the ambrosia I have just tasted
Is like the juice of goblin fruit
I am forever thirsty, I want more
And what I have glimpsed, is nothing
compared to this quotidian world.