It's different.

Thursday, 28 April 2011

Get up, Get Goin'

 Get Up, Get Goin’
When life seems to zoom down the failure lane
When the going gets tough
When you’re deep in the depths of despair
Stand up, and say “ENOUGH!”

Catch hold of the reins
And give a good, strong yank
You make your own GPS
You fill in the empty tank.

Because you’re the one who decides the destination
You need to heal from previous hurts and gashes
You’re the star, the celebrity of your life
You’re the phoenix rising from the ashes.

You can go the distance
Pick yourself up after every fall
Push, be determined, and never doubt yourself
Reach the finish line, and stand triumphant and tall.

Confidence never killed anybody
Believe in yourself, because the winner takes it all
Use blood, sweat and tears to show that
To win, you have the heart, soul, grit and gall.

Friday, 15 April 2011

Grudge-less is Better (or) Forgiveness may not be divine, but it sure feels good!

Like I said, I'd taken a  hiatus from writing. I STILL have a bit of a writer's block, but I'm working through (rather slowly and labourously, but still).

I learnt a lot about myself during this time though. Not through the vacationing, discover-yourself way, but in a more bringing-down-to-earth-with-a-shocking-impact manner. However, elaborating this would be totally embarrassing.

Having a grudge against someone, and thinking revengeful thoughts about them, like the tie-them-up-and-throw-them-in-a-lake-full-of-crocodiles kind, is fun and a good way to vent your feelings. Not for long.

If you're the forgive and forget type of person, you're cool, but if ( and this is how stalkers are made) you brood over it, that's not such a good idea. Because the grudge starts eating you up on the inside, always reminding you of that person, in anything that you do, from watching a movie to reading a book.
And if you let this obsession grow, it can take a complete turn for destination dangerous, and you may come to a point where you'll be forced to accept that you need psychological treatment or you'll never be left in peace.

So, chill. It's not worth living in hatred. Be confident and kind enough to LET GO. And, trust me here, you'll find that it feels good to forgive and make up. Life's so much better when observed from a positive and carefree angle.

Take care,