It's different.

Friday, 31 December 2010

Bulls on Parade

Bulls on Parade- a Viewpoint from the audience
On the 23rd of December, 2010, the highly anticipated rock concert called ‘Bulls on Parade’ and created by Muscat-renowned singer Akhilesh Radhakrishnan and Aftershock band mates Swapnil Anto and Abrar Mohammed took place. It was a more advertised version of last year’s event – ‘Scream’, organized by Karnika Ray, Malvika Asher and Binoodha Sasy and was performed at the same venue, Le Grand Hall at the Al Falaj hotel. Unfortunately unlike ‘Scream’, ‘BoP’ failed to enthrall the audience, and made many people, including yours truly, wish that they had not wasted their time and money for such an experience.
Firstly, the number of people who came to watch the bands play was quite limited, contrary to expectation. The whole show had been largely publicized and talked about, at least in our school, Indian School Al Wadi Al Kabir. This could be due to the fact that the tickets were mainly sold in our school, and not in other reigning Indian schools like Indian Schools Muscat or Al Ghubra, because the organizers themselves were fresh out of ISWK. Secondly, the tickets were at a price of RO. 4.00, which was outrageous for a school-going kid. Perhaps it was due to such an exorbitant rate that many young people failed to show up. The mikes were also not working properly, leading to a vocalist’s voice being unheard, or an excellent guitar to be completely switched off. For all one knows, these could have been the factors which contributed to more people sitting outside, bored, than going inside and enjoying the music!
On the plus side, however, the bands were quite good, especially local bands Aftershock and Question Mark. All the bands had a host of guitarists who knew their way about the chords and scales well and that knowledge to make their (although a handful of) fans scream for them. But it was really the DJ Nigel Warren who got the concert-goers to sit up, take note of the songs he played and shake their hips enthusiastically around the hall. Indeed, there were little groups of dancers who cheered on their best for a mini-dance-off with another excellent dancer.
The show ended on a fair note when the results of the online voting for the best band were announced. Question Mark and school band Evolution bagged the first two places, with cash prize of RO. 150 each, and another school band, No Clue, won the second runners-up position.

Wednesday, 8 December 2010



We had a misunderstanding
Suffocated by doubt
It created a rift between us
We parted ways and took a different route.

And now, we see each other
We make polite small talk
And it’s as if a great burden is falling
Like a key opens a lock.

We catch each other’s eye
We grin and look away
But the bridge is rebuilt, the bond healing
We’re seeing a different angle, a new way.

It’s good to see you again, my friend
It’s good to banter again, to laugh
We thought we’d moved on to another chapter
But some friendships can’t leave the track and go off.

Sunday, 5 December 2010

To The Sky

To The Sky
You’re up so high
Yet sometimes I can
Touch you and almost feel you
As irresistible as the call of an ice-cream van.

You change your shades like a mood ring
Cool blue when happy, harsh black when angered
Velvety purple when benign, silvery purple at dawn
Clouds blanket you, creamy as new curd.

Limitless, endless
Enticing, free
Celestial, mysterious
Liberated from anxiety and worry.

You call me, inviting, seductive
But you tease me, I cannot come
I am restrained by Earth’s grounded chains
Intoxicating as wine attained from sweet plum.